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Nutrition Programs

The IFSCCC has two community wide meal programs:  Home Delivered Meals and Congregate (in-house meals).  These programs collectively served 73,619 meals in 2018. All meals are hot and  nutritious and provided one third of the RDA requirements for Protein, Calcium, Vitamins A and C, and Iron.


Home Delivered Meal Program:  This program provides a nutritious noon meal five days a week to homebound seniors 60 and over, their spouse (regardless of age), disabled child (under 60) who reside with a qualified senior.  Services are intended to maintain or improve the health status of these individuals, support their independence, prevent premature institutionalization and allow earlier discharge for hospitals, nursing homes or other residential care facilities.  To see if you qualify for this service, call EICAP 522-5391.


SCCC Congregate (In-House) Nutrition Program:  Seniors 60 and over can enjoy a noon meal five days a week.  Spouses and disabled dependents, regardless of age, can also enjoy this noon meal when accompanied by a senior. Served at 11:30 am Monday through Friday.  


Your donations will help us continue to offer the many activities and functions we provide to our seniors.


A monthly menu is included in the IFSCCC Communicator newsletter, and by clicking the link below, you will go directly to the NEWSLETTER tab.  Scroll to the bottom to see the menu for this month.  For more information please call 208 522-4357.



The links below are to some of the many assistance programs aimed toward helping our seniors.

Such as:  AREA AGENCY ON AGING, EICAP (which has:  Long Term Care Ombudsman, Caregiver Services, Adult Protection, Homemaker Services, Grandparents Rasing Grandchildren, RESPITE - Relief for the Caregiver in the Home and Transportation are just a few. 

Phone (208) 522-5391  or visit                                                                 or                                           


...........................OUTREACH OFFICES.........................


935 E Lincoln Road

Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Phone:(208) 522-5391 

Toll Free(800) 632-4813


275 Stationery Place

Rexburg, ID  83440

Phone:(208) 356-8849


955 Riverfront Drive, Suite A

Salmon, ID  83467

Phone:(208) 756-3999

Toll Free(800) 359-9163


Free legal advice and information on civil matters for all Idaho seniors 60 years 0f age and older.

Monday thru friday   9:00 a.m.  to  3:00 p.m.     (MST)       1-866-345-0106         or    

Seniors Being Hungry is a Nationwide Epidemic

Nearly one in every six seniors in America faces the threat of hunger and not being properly nourished. This applies to those who aren’t sure where their next meal is coming from and those who don’t have access to the healthiest possible food options. The issue is severe enough that the AARP reports that seniors face a healthcare bill of more than $130 billion every year due to medical issues stemming from senior hunger.


Senior hunger is an expansive issue that requires an understanding of exactly what constitutes a senior being “hungry,” the issues that stem from senior hunger, and how seniors who are hungry can be helped.


To understand the concept of seniors being hungry, you must understand what it means to be “food insecure.” When you are food insecure, it means that there is “limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways,” as defined by a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. Essentially, it means that you aren’t receiving and/or don’t have access to the necessary foods and nutrients to help sustain your life.


The concept of being “hungry” is a state-of-mind, meaning that there is a physical aspect to the lack of food. Attending to an area where people are hungry and basically starving is a much more immediate and severe problem to solve. Being food insecure, on the other hand, helps include people who may have enough food and don’t technically live consistently in hunger, but the food they are eating—usually in large amounts—isn’t up to nutritional and dietary standards.


In 2006, the USDA broke down food insecurity into two categories to help determine how food insecure someone is:


Visit This Website for more information: 

SENIOR HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS ADVISORS  (SHIBA)  Is a free service which can help you put together the pieces of the Senior Health Insurance puzzle with free unbiased information.



To the left is a link for Medicare Plans, and on the right is a link for Medicare Plans/Medicare Advantage plans. Both of these are information websites.

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