Idaho Falls

Senior Citizens' Community Center
Contact Us
535 W. 21st Street
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Tel: 208-522-4357
Rental Agreement For Your Events
If you have an event coming up let us know. We can fit 200 people in the building and have chairs and tables for that large of an event. Fill out the PDF application on the right and email it back to us. If you have a drawing of how you would like the room set up please attach that to the email. Come by and have a look at the building and see if it fits your needs. Rentals are available Monday thru Thursday and some Fridays from 5:30 pm to midnight and Sunday. There are no rentals of the kitchen but you can bring what ever you need for your event. There is a large dance floor and the main room can be sectioned off to have a total of 3 separate rooms. One of the lowest prices in town at only $70 an hour. We do not rent out Saturday as we have Community Bingo. If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call or E-mail us above.