Idaho Falls

Senior Citizens' Community Center
About Us
​The Idaho Falls Senior Citizen’s Center (SCCC) exists to enhance the quality of life for our local senior citizens. Chartered in 1973 as a non-profit entity, SCCC provides assistance, programs, services, and social activities to citizens 60 years and older. Available assistance includes access to basic legal and health insurance advice and AARP Safe Driving classes. AARP also provides free tax help and preparation. Regular weekly Fit and Fall Proof exercise classes help our seniors build or maintain body strength to be more resistant to life-changing falls. Local health organizations and other professional groups regularly provide free presentations of interest to our seniors.
SCCCs’ most important service our Nutrition Program. Five days per week, the SCCC kitchen staff prepares over 220 nutritious meals per day for delivery to home-bound seniors and disabled adults, Meals on Wheels. An additional 260 are delivered for weekend meals. A dedicated delivery staff insures that the hot meals are delivered in a timely manner. For many home-bound seniors and disabled adults, this is the only time they have contact with the outside world. Another 50 plus lunch-time meals are prepared for the daily group of seniors who spend time at the center. All meals are prepared according to USDA requirements. Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.
Seniors who utilize the center enjoy a constant smorgasbord of activities. There are always bridge, pinochle and other card games in motion. Bingo games are frequently played and a Saturday Bingo game is opened to the public (18+ years old) with cash prizes. Line dancing is taught and practiced each week. Pool and snooker games are ongoing. Art Classes and a Woodcarvers, Needlepoint and Embroidery group meet each week. For a more complete list of SCCC activities, please see our home page.
There is a quiet, comfortable reading room next to the center’s 2000 book and periodical library and an area to work jigsaw puzzles. Use of the library is dependent on the honor system. An intimate exercise area is nearby and includes a stationary bicycle and tread mill for those so inclined.
There are always specially prepared holiday meals, parties and celebrations going on at the Center. Scheduled activities are included in the SCCC newsletter, published online or monthly mailings.
Seniors should have no cause to get bored there. It’s a great place to start or maintain life-long friendships.
At times, the Center is available for rent to the public for parties, weddings or large meetings.
The SCCC building is owned by the City of Idaho Falls and operated under the direction of a non-paid, 13 member board of directors. Six of the members are SCCC members and seven are members of the Idaho Falls business and professional communities. Four full-time, six part-time paid staff, and many other volunteers.

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